Welcome to Creata Projects
Roof Sheeting
Seamless Gutters

Roof Sheeting

Creata Projects is a Saflock approved contractor and specialise in all types of roof sheeting. 

water proofing

Water Proofing

An important part of on going maintenance is to make sure your sheeting is waterproofed. 



We inspect and write a report regarding the condition of your house, factory or carport roof.

gutter roof

Seamless Gutters

Creata Projects offers solutions to home and business owners who want to upgrade their gutters. 

Creata Projects Richards Bay

Zululands Expert Roofing

Creata Projects is a sheeting company that has been operating in the Richards Bay and Empangeni area since 2007. We specialize in roof sheeting, ventilator systems, insulation, seamless guttering, steel work and waterproofing by providing professional advice and a high class of work on residential and industrial roofing, along with our 10 year material warranty.


Zuluand Industry leader

with passion

Creata Projects are the leaders in roofing and general roof maintenance throughout the Zululand area. With over 10 years experience we have passion and experience to make sure your home or industry is protected and equipped with the right materials to last in the coastal environment of Zululand. 

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